Do Human Beings Have a Soul?

Posted by Mark Lindley on 6 May 2014 | Comments

The soul is defined as “that immortal part of us that lives on after physical death.” The soul is the real person, the spiritual component within us that thinks, feels, loves, designs, makes choices, etc. If the soul is the real person, then we are souls which are housed within bodies. If human beings have a soul, then the soul is an entity that is separate from the mortal body.
    However, if we do not have a soul, then there is no hope beyond this life. There is no heaven to gain neither is there a hell to avoid. There is no difference between us and animals. When we die, we will cease to exist because we are nothing but a higher form of animal. To deny the existence of the soul, therefore, is a gloomy and hopeless position.
    Nevertheless, there are those who teach that we are “matter in motion.” We are told that we are “material” and not “spiritual” beings. If this teaching is true, then we actually do not possess the ability to make choices. Rather, one’s choice to read this article, for example, is not a “conscious” choice but only the result of the workings of matter. Remember, according to the teaching, we are only “matter in motion.” If that were true, then any action we do—balancing a check book, solving an algebra problem, passing a football for a touchdown—is caused by nothing but a soul-less blob of matter. But this is contrary to all reason.
    Further, if we are nothing but matter in motion, then why should we believe those who deny the existence of the soul? After all, their conclusion that the soul does not exist does not come from a conscious, thinking being of intelligence. Rather, if their own position is true, their conclusion stems from nothing more than a blob of matter. So why believe their teaching?
    Those who believe the Bible have the assurance that we do have a soul. Jesus said, “And fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell” (Matthew 10:28). According to Jesus, a man can kill the body. However, killing one’s body does not kill the soul. Therefore, the soul is an entity that is separate from the body. Killing the body does not kill the soul because the soul is immortal and lives on after physical death has occurred.
    In view of these thoughts, the salvation of our souls should be our highest priority. This world will pass away and all things in it, but our souls will live on in eternity. Jesus said, “For what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?” (Matthew 16:26).