Posted by Mark Lindley on 20 September 2017 | Comments

The question that serves as the title of this article is a question all should consider. I am persuaded that everyone, at some point and to some degree, either has or is taking things for granted. We do not intend to, but it is so easy to take certain things for granted.

            To take something for granted means “to fail to value something properly,” or “to assume that you will never lose something.” Usually, it is only after we have lost something of value that we then realize that we have been taking it for granted.

            If the stars were to appear only once a year, most everyone would set aside time to go outside and gaze into the beautiful heavens above. However, because the stars are visible nearly every night, we hardly ever notice this wonderful display of God’s power. We take such a beautiful sight for granted. 

            The following are other things we frequently take for granted: 1) We take for granted the precious gift of life. All life springs from the Lord, the giver of life (Acts 17:24-28). A near-death experience or failing health may cause us to realize that this life is as “a vapor, that appeareth for a little time, and then vanisheth away” (James 4:14). We should live each day to the fullest, and recognize that time is quickly passing (Psalm 90:12).

            2) We take for granted friends and family. The Scriptures teach that there is to be deep, abiding love, respect, and appreciation within the family (Ephesians 5:25; Titus 2:4; Psalm 127:3-5; Ephesians 6:1-3). Nevertheless, we sometimes take our spouses and children for granted. We fail to show love and appreciation, assuming that there will always be a later time for expressing ourselves. Rather than showing love and respect, we sometimes speak to our friends and family members with harsh, angry words. What if you spoke to your spouse or child in an abrasive and rude manner, and those were the last words he/she heard you say? Surely, we would not want the last words spoken to a friend or loved-one to be bitter, angry words. We should never take for granted that there will always be “tomorrow” to apologize or express love and appreciation to friends and family.

            3) We take salvation from sin for granted. God sent His only begotten Son that we might be saved from sin (John 3:16). However, we will be saved only when we choose to obey the gospel of Christ (Romans 6:16-18, 3-4). Some put off obedience to the gospel, believing there will be a time in the future for receiving God’s forgiveness. Yet, there is no guarantee that such an opportunity will be available (Luke 12:16-21). Today is the day of salvation (II Corinthians 6:2).

            Let us resolve that we will always appreciate the gifts of life, friends and family, and salvation from sin. Never take such blessings for granted!