The Scriptures teach that one must obey the Gospel to be saved. Paul warned that those who do “not obey the gospel will be punished with everlasting destruction from the presence of the Lord, and from the glory His power” (II Thessalonians 1:6-9). Those who do obey the Gospel are set free from the guilt of sin and will be saved.
Why, then, would any sober-minded person refuse to obey the Gospel and receive all these spiritual benefits? There are actually several reasons people do not obey the Gospel. The following is not an exhaustive list, but it gives at least four reasons.
1. Some do not obey the Gospel because they have no faith. Gospel obedience involves believing in Christ, repenting of sins, confessing one’s faith in Christ, and being baptized for the forgiveness of sins (John 8:24; Acts 3:19; Romans 10:10; Acts 22:16).
2. Not everyone believes the Gospel. In fact, one will not believe unless he or she is taught. Children or adults do not begin believing in Christ without being taught about Christ (cf. John 6:44-45). Let us be sure that we teach our children and grandchildren to believe in Jesus.
3. Some do not obey the Gospel because they love unrighteousness and the pleasures of sins (cf. II Thessalonians 2:10-12). The allurement of fleshly lusts, and the pleasures associated therewith are too strong for some to resist. They love drunkenness, fornication, and lusting after others. Their hearts and minds are so filled by such things that they think little about following the Lord.
4. Some do not obey the Gospel because of pride. They might be wealthy, powerful, and “successful,” and ponder, “Why do I need God?” Such people might proudly state, “I have never asked God for forgiveness.”
5. Some do not obey the Gospel because they feel there is plenty of time. Most people who claim to believe in God and who are not Christians, “plan” to make their lives right some time. However, it seems the day to obey the Gospel never seems to come. Like Felix, many are waiting for a more “convenient season” (Acts 24:25). The devil will see to it that it is never convenient to give up sin.
Do you need to obey the Gospel? When are you going to do it? Why would you want to put off something that will impact where you spend eternity? Friend, please do not wait another day. “Now is the day of salvation” (II Corinthians 6:2). If we at Chapman can assist you, contact us at (662) 837-7012.